
Dear Students,

We are happy to welcome you in the family fold of Kaivalyadhama. Being part of a yoga college, it will provide ample opportunities to make a choice to use your time and energy in ways that will make you more focused into yourself and to become aware when your mind is pulling you away from your true self. You are here to learn how to live in harmony with each other in a spirit of sharing and caring in the mission mode of brotherhood. We hope that you will get the most out of the facilities during your stay here, at Kdham.

Swami Kuvalayananda’s vision: “Yoga has a complete message for humanity. It has a message for the human body. It has a message for the human mind. And it also has a message for the human soul. Will intelligent and capable youths come forth to carry this message to every individual, not only in India but also in every other part of the world?” And our hope is that you all will join us along with former students, in spreading His message. We share our experiences and provide guidelines, enabling you to move towards a yogic and holistic lifestyle.

Some basic guidelines:

  • Each student is responsible for his own personal belongings and is advised NOT to bring costly items, jewellery, etc., to the Institute.
  • Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited. If any incident of ragging is brought to the notice of the Authorities, the concerned student/s will be liable for a punishment to be decided by the College.
  • Consumption of any alcoholic drinks, smoking, chewing tobacco/Gutakha or drugs is strictly prohibited at any situation. If a student/s is found consuming any of these, he/she will be liable for a punishment decided to be by the College.
  • “Be punctual and humble” as both of these are the hallmark of Yogic discipline.
  • Develop a habit of talking softly everywhere in the campus so as to respect those who are practicing in different yogic activities like meditation, Pranayama & Yogic Kriyas etc.
  • Students are advised to go together if walking to the hill side or other such sacred places at their own risk and after getting the permission from the Parent/Guardian concerned, during earmarked time.
  • The student will be fully responsible for his/her own security at all times.
  • Extra-curricular activities be planned after due consult with the Course-Coordinator.
  • To respect verbal/written instruction/s from the staff of Kaivalyadhama.

Places not to be visited by students of College:

  • Staff Quarters
  • Manan & HHCC Gardens
  • CAD
  • Visiting Hrs to KVN Playground – Morning 04:30 to 06:00 and Evening: 17:00 to 19:30 duly escorted by staff/Hostel Guardian.
  • Defaulters, if any will be reported by the security for disciplinary action.
  • Avoid plucking flowers, leaves or fruits from the trees.
  • Dress Code – To be scrupulously adhered to by the students – Course coordinator to monitor and to maintain records.
    • Practical Class – Track suit
    • Theory Class/Library –Pajama Kurta /Track Suit
  • Annapurna –
    • Break Fast: Yoga/Practical Class Dress
    • Lunch: Pajama Kurta /Track suit / Long pants. T shirts with sleeves.
    • Dinner: Long pants/pajama & T Shirt with sleeves.

Annapurna (Dining):

  • Students should strictly maintain the laid down meal timings.
  • Use of mobile phones is not permitted in Annapurna.
  • Outside foodstuff is not allowed to be consumed inside
  • Shoes and chappals are not allowed inside the Hall. Kindly use the shoe rack for keeping them in order.
  • Everyone is expected to wash their own utensils.
  • Maintain silence during meal.
  • Carrying food outside Annapurna is only permitted on medical ground.
  • If you don’t want to have the Lunch or Dinner, kindly inform a day beforehand to avoid wastage of food. Guest/s of students can be allowed to have their meals in Annapurna mess on payment basis after prior notification to the person in charge of the mess/course co-coordinator.
  • In the vicinity of Annapurna, two therapy centres exist and therefore sanctity of the area needs to be maintained.


  • Early reporting to the class/lecture is to be put in practice; it is recommended to be ready at least 5 minutes before the class starts. Students will not be permitted into the class, if reported late.
  • Please note that 85% attendance is mandatory, as eligibility, in order to appear in the exams.
  • Avoid moving out of class, while in progress, except in emergency situation.
  • Usage of gadgets is allowed only with prior permission for facilitating learning.

Attendance during classes:

  • Roll call/attendance will be taken by Instructor with help of Students Monitor
  • Eligibility for exams depends on maintenance of minimum 85% of attendance.
  • Short fall, if any, to be supported by sickness certificate/ emergency leave not to exceed 5% of total periods


  • Students should return to the hostel room by 9 pm every night. The doors shall be shut at 9.00 p.m. However, in no case, they are allowed to leave the campus.
  • As the hostel is your home and place for practicing yoga during your studies here, you are responsible for the cleanliness of your room and the adjoining passages. Please take care of your room and surroundings so as to avoid any damage (writing on walls, damaging furniture, door, windows etc.). Otherwise, you will be charged for it.
  • Please take care of environment and always switch off fan and light while leaving your room, bathroom, washroom, hostel passage, lecture hall, mess or other common areas. If found, a fine will be levied on such student.
  • As Kaivalyadhama has a policy to reduce the use of plastic for the protection of environment. It is advised to use bags (reusable cloth bags, handbags, etc.) instead of plastic bags while shopping. Always throw garbage in the earmarked bins and leave plastic and glass at the recycle collecting point.
  • If using mobile phones at leisure period, show respect to your surroundings by not causing any disturbance
  • Cooking / use of heaters & immersion rods in hostels – Not permitted.

Roll Call Procedure (Hostels)

All students get together under respective Hostel Guardian in the hostels at 2100 Hours for the following: –

  • Attendance/Marking of 100% presence (Absentees to be reported to the Course Co-coordinator by the Hostel Guardian).
  • Out pass for Night “Out of station only” if approved by the Principal.
  • To receive and record any complaints/suggestions/ requirements.
  • Any short comings/noticed during the day.
  • Routine /commitments for the ensuing day
  • Special instructions, if any.


  • For your security, we have established a system of recording movement in and out of the campus. You are required to fill in the movement register whenever you leave and come back to the campus with the following details, kept at Security Gate.
    • Name
    • Roll No
    • Place to be visited
    • Exit Time
    • Return Time
    • Signature
  • However, students are allowed to go out of the campus for local area visits on Sundays without gate pass/es.
  • Students must carry their Identity Card with them while going out of the campus.
  • For the rest of the days, no permission to leave the campus will be granted except that of emergencies. For this purpose, kindly fill in a gate pass (available at the office), get it signed by the Student Guardian and leave it at the main gate while going out of the campus.
  • Under the above circumstances, students are expected to be back by 8.30 pm. without fail.
  • It is mandatory for all students to attend the hostel roll call at 9:00 pm every night.
  • Students are required to fill in an application form (available at the office) for holiday/s. It is needed for staying out of the campus overnight or more and for going out of station (for 1 day or more). Submit the completed document at least 2 days in advance say by Friday for Sunday and so on

Gate Pass / Out passes and procedures:

Only on Saturdays after the classes & on Sundays/holidays

  • With intimation & written permission of Hostel Guardian or in his absence course coordinator.
  • Over Night out stay will be sanctioned when applied in advance and will be under the permission of the Principal.
  • Discipline Lapse: Issue of written caution
  • Three cautions make into one warning
  • Max. of two warnings and the stay in the campus/college would stand terminated.
  • No caution/warning for deliberate omissions/commission or account of smoking/alcohol consumption in the campus. Action – Termination at first instance.
  • Returning to Institution – In drunken state, issue of one warning second time a termination notice will be issued forthwith
  • Students are advised to exercise special caution while visiting the hills/walking through the jungles due to prevalence of wild animals. All water bodies are strictly out of bounds, defaulters will be given one warning & repetition will attract the stringent action.

Home Cleaning:

Sauca-Santosa-tapah-sadhyayesvara-ishwarapranidhananiniyamah – PYS II-32

Cleanliness is the first niyama of Patanjali. It is the first step in cultivating our yogic attitude. For a Yoga Practitioner, the whole world is his/her home. Wherever one goes, observes personal sauca internally and externally. Not only the body, but also the surrounding-environment is kept clean for spiritual growth. The place where the Yoga Practitioner sleeps, eats, rests and above all, where he/she practices sadhana must be preserved in good, hygienic conditions; Self-help is the best help! In the time of this view, a daily/weekly/monthly cleaning schedule is established by the “Student-Council-Body” so that a fair distribution of chores and responsibility can be ensured.


  • *Student-Council-Body is set up by students for the students under the supervision of the course Coordinator. This group will help the Institution in ensuring the students’ stay here as conducive as possible for their education and overall development. It will also see that the students’ complaints are earnestly attended to and redressal provided.
  • Guest/Relative/Parents of the students are allowed to visit only on Sundays/holidays. The student should notify and seek permission for their visit at least 2 days in advance.
  • As a day scholar students, after finishing the classes at Kaivalyadhama Campus, GS College of Yoga and CS will not be responsible for any of your act or behavior.

Wishing every Best to you all during stay at Kaivalyadham.

Yours Sincerely,
Gordhandas Seksaria College of Yoga and Cultural Synthesis, Kaivalyadhama

For PG Diploma in Yoga Education and Certificate Course in Yoga

Bank: HDFC Bank
Account name: Gordhandas Seksaria College of Yoga & Cultural Synthesis
Account No: 50200001798662
IFSC Code: HDFC0000474

For other courses

Bank: Axis Bank
Account Name: Gordhandas Seksaria College of Yoga & Cultural Synthesis
Account No: 917010075700229
IFSC Code: UTIB0002773

Gordhandas Seksaria College of Yoga & Cultural Synthesis, Kaivalyadham, Lonavala
Short and Long Term Courses

The following Refund Policy shall be applicable in the case of withdrawing the registration from the course.

  1. To get the Refund, applicant has to write an email to The Principal, G. S. College of Yoga & Cultural Synthesis at college@kdham.com stating the reason for application withdrawal. The email should be send 7 days prior to Short Term Course (up to 1 month duration) or Long Term Course (more than 1 month duration) commencement date. Please note that the Refund Policy shall not be applicable if this criteria is not met.
  2. Applicant will get refund of advance payment made for Short Term and Long Term Courses fees after the deduction of Administrative Charges which is ₹ 2,000/- for Indian Students and US $ 50 for International students.
  3. Tuition & Other fees are Non-Refundable in Short Term & Long Term Course.
  4. In the case where applicant decides to withdraw from Long Term Courses after joining the course or within a month the refund of Hostel Charges and food shall be provided after deducting pro rata.
  5. Refund Policy is not applicable after joining of the Short Term Course.
  6. Refund Policy is not applicable to the student after 1 month of the commencement of the Long Term Course.

International students are requested to go through this Pre-departure handbook below before arrival in India:

Pre-departure Handbook

Dear Students,

We are happy to welcome you in the family fold of Kaivalyadhama. Being part of a yoga college, it will provide ample opportunities to make a choice to use your time and energy in ways that will make you more focused into yourself and to become aware when your mind is pulling you away from your true self.  You are here to learn how to live in harmony with each other in a spirit of sharing and caring in the mission mode of brotherhood. We hope that you will get the most out of the facilities during your stay here, at Kdham.

Swami Kuvalayananda’s vision: “Yoga has a complete message for humanity. It has a message for the human body. It has a message for the human mind. And it also has a message for the human soul. Will intelligent and capable youths come forth to carry this message to every individual, not only in India but also in every other part of the world?” And our hope is that you all will join us along with former students, in spreading His message. We share  our experiences and provide guidelines, enabling you to move towards a yogic and holistic lifestyle.

Some basic guidelines:

  • Each student is responsible for his own personal belongings and is advised NOT to bring costly items, jewellery, etc., to the Institute.
  • Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited. If any incident of ragging is brought to the notice of the Authorities, the concerned student/s will be liable for a punishment to be decided by the College.
  • Consumption of any alcoholic drinks, smoking, chewing tobacco/gutakha or drugs is strictly prohibited at any situation. If a student/s is found consuming any of these, he/she will be liable for a punishment decided to be by the College.
  • “Be punctual and humble” as both of these are the hallmark of Yogic discipline.
  • Develop a habit of talking softly everywhere in the campus so as to respect those who are practicing in different yogic activities like meditation, Pranayama & Yogic Kriyas etc.
  • Students are advised to go together if walking to the hill side or other such sacred places at their own risk and after getting the permission from the Parent/Guardian concerned, during earmarked time.
  • The student will be fully responsible for his/her own security at all times.
  • Extra-curricular activities be planned after due consult with the Course-Coordinator.
  • To respect verbal/written instruction/s from the staff of Kaivalyadhama.

Places not to be visited by students of College-

  • Staff Quarters
  • Manan & HHCC Gardens
  • CAD
  • Visiting Hrs to KVN Playground – Morning 04:30 to 06:00 and  Evening: 17:00 to 19:30 duly escorted by staff/Hostel Guardian.
  • Defaulters, if any will be reported by the security for disciplinary action.
  • Avoid plucking flowers, leaves or fruits from the trees.
  • Dress Code – To be scrupulously adhered to by the students – Course co-ordinator to monitor and to maintain records.
    • Practical  Class – Track suit
    • Theory Class/Library -Pajama Kurta /Track Suit
    • Annapurna –
      • Break Fast : Yoga/Practical class dress
      • Lunch: Pajama Kurta /Track suit / Long pants. T shirts with sleeves.
      • Dinner: Long pants/pajama & T Shirt with sleeves.

Annapurna (Dining)

  • Students should strictly maintain the laid down meal timings.
  • Use of mobile phones is not permitted in Annapurna.
  • Outside foodstuff is not allowed to be consumed inside
  • Shoes and chappals are not allowed inside the Hall. Kindly use the shoe rack for keeping them in order.
  • Everyone is expected to wash their own utensils.
  • Maintain silence during meal.
  • Carrying food outside Annapurna is only permitted on medical ground.
  • If you don’t want to have the Lunch or Dinner, kindly inform a day beforehand to avoid wastage of food. Guest/s of students can be allowed to have their meals in Annapurna mess on payment basisafter prior notification to the person in charge of the mess/course co-coordinator.
  • In the vicinity of Annapurna,two therapy centres exist and therefore sanctity of the area needs to be maintained.


  • Early reporting to the class/lecture is to be put in practice; it is recommended to be ready at least 5 minutes before the class starts. Students will not be permitted into the class, if reported late.
  • Please note that 90% attendance is mandatory, as an eligibility, in order to appear in the exams.
  • Use of Mobiles: Carrying of Mobiles to classes/library is forbidden. Defaulters will be dealt with stringently and the mobile will be confiscated for three days.
  • Avoid moving out of class, while in progress, except in emergency situation.
  • Nobody should be absent without prior /permission of the course Coordinator.
  • Usage of gadgets is allowed only with prior permission for facilitating learning.

Attendance during classes

  • Roll call/attendance will be taken by Instructor with help of Students Monitor
  • Entry swipe RFID cards/Bio metric attendance system (when provided)
  • Eligibility for exams depends on maintenance of minimum 90% of attendance.
  • Short fall, if any, to be supported by sickness certificate/ emergency leave not to exceed 5% of total periods
  • Students deliberately missing classes will be warned in writing  once prior to Mid-term test and once prior to final examination.
  • Attendance short fall upto 5 % can be made up by additional duty/Kriya Yoga/as per stipulated periods  in places decided by college .


  • Students should return to the hostel room by  9 pm every night. The doors shall be shut at 9.00 a.m. However, in no case, they are allowed to leave the campus. They may like to take rounds post dinner time within the campus between 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
  • As the hostel is your home and place for practicing yoga during your studies here, you are responsible for the cleanliness of your room and the adjoining passages. Please take care of your room and surroundings so as to avoid any damage (writing on walls, damaging furniture, door, windows etc.). Otherwise, you will be charged for it.
  • Please take care of environment and always switch off fan and light while leaving your room, bathroom, washroom, hostel passage, lecture hall, mess or other common areas. If found, a fine will be levied on such student.
  • As Kaivalyadhama has a policy to reduce the use of plastic for the protection of environment. It is advised to use bags (reusable cloth bags, handbags, etc.) instead of plastic bags while shopping. Always throw garbage in the earmarked bins and leave plastic and glass at the recycle collecting point.
  • If using mobile phones at leisure period, show respect to your surroundings by not causing any disturbance
  • Cooking / use of heaters & immersion rods in hostels – Not permitted.  Users will be fined and gadget will be confiscated.
  • Roll Call Procedure (Hostels)

All students get together under respective Hostel Guardian in the hostels at 2100 Hrs for the following: –

    • Attendance/Marking of 100% presence (Absentees to be reported to the Course Co-coordinator by the Hostel Guardian).
    • Out pass for Night “Out of station only” if approved by the Principal.
    • To receive and record any complaints/suggestions/ requirements.
    • Any short comings/noticed during the day.
    • Routine /commitments for the ensuing day
    • Special instructions, if any.


  • For your security, we have established a system of recording movement in and out of the campus. You are required to fill in the movement register whenever you leave and come back to the campus with the following details, kept at Security Gate.
    • Name.
    • Roll No
    • Place to be visited
    • Exit Time
    • Return Time
    • Signature
  • However, students are allowed to go out of the campus for local area visits on Sundays without gate pass/es.
  • Students must carry their Identity Card with them while going out of the campus.
  • For the rest of the days, no permission to leave the campus will be granted except that of emergencies. For this purpose, kindly fill in a gate pass (available at the office), get it signed by the Student Guardian and leave it at the main gate while going out of the campus.
  • Under the above circumstances, students are expected to be back by 7.30 pm. without fail.
  • It is mandatory for all students to attend the hostel roll call at 9:00 pm every night.
  • Students are required to fill in an application form (available at the office) for holiday/s. It is needed for staying out of the campus overnight or more and for going out of station (for 1 day or more). Submit the completed document at least 2 days in advance say by Friday for Sunday and so on
  • Gate Pass / Out passes and procedures: Only on Saturdays after the classes & on Sundays/holidays
    • With intimation & written permission of Hostel Guardian or in his absence course coordinator.
    • Over Night out stay will be sanctioned when applied in advance and will be under the permission of the Principal.
    • Discipline Lapse: Issue of written caution
    • Three cautions make into one warning
    • Max. of two  warnings and the stay in the campus/college would stand terminated.
    • No caution/warning for deliberate omissions/commission or account of smoking/alcohol consumption in the campus. Action – Termination at first instance.
    • Returning to Institution – In drunken state, issue of one warning second time a termination notice will be issued forthwith
    • Students are advised to exercise special caution while visiting the hills/walking through the jungles due to prevalence of wild animals. All water bodies are strictly out of bounds, defaulters will be given one warning & repetition will attract the stringent action.
    • Students are advised not to visit the market in ones and twos to avoid unforseen mishaps.

Home Cleaning


Sauca-Santosa-tapah-sadhyayesvara-ishwarapranidhananiniyamah – PYS II-32

Cleanliness is the first niyama of Patanjali. It is the first step in cultivating our yogic attitude. For a Yoga Practitioner, the whole world is his/her home. Wherever one goes, observes personal sauca internally and externally. Not only the body, but also the surrounding-environment is kept clean for spiritual growth. The place where the Yoga Practitioner sleeps, eats, rests and above all, where he/she practices sadhana must be preserved in good, hygienic conditions, Self help is the best help! In the time of this view, a daily/weekly/monthly cleaning schedule is established by the “Student-Council-Body” so that a fair distribution of chores and responsibility can be ensured.


  • *Student-Council-Body is set up by students for the students under the supervision of the course Coordinator. This group will help the Institution in ensuring the students’ stay here as conducive as possible for their education and overall development. It will also see that the students’ complaints are earnestly attended to and redressal provided.
  • Guest/Relative/Parents of the students are allowed to visit only on Sundays/holidays. The student should notify and seek permission for their visit at least 2 days in advance. It is difficult for the Institute to provide Guests with an accommodation. However, in case of emergency, a Guest room may be provided depending on it’s availability on payment of Rs. 500/- per day for a period of maximum two (2) days.

Wishing every Best to you all during stay at Kdham.

Yours Sincerely,


Gordhandas Seksaria College of Yoga and Cultural Synthesis, Kaivalyadhama


For PG Diploma in Yoga Education and Certificate Course in Yoga

Bank: HDFC Bank
Account name: Gordhandas Seksaria College of Yoga & Cultural Synthesis
Account No: 50200001798662
IFSC Code: HDFC0000474

For other courses

Bank: Axis Bank
Account Name: Gordhandas Seksaria College of Yoga & Cultural Synthesis
Account No: 917010075700229
IFSC Code: UTIB0002773

Gordhandas Seksaria College of Yoga & Cultural Synthesis, Kaivalyadham, Lonavla
Short and Long Term Courses

The following Refund Policy shall be applicable in the case of withdrawing the registration from the course.

  1. To get the Refund, applicant has to write an email to The Principal, G. S. College of Yoga & Cultural Synthesis at kdhamcollege@gmail.com stating the reason for application withdrawal. The email should be send 7 days prior to Short Term Course (up to 1 month duration) or Long Term Course (more than 1 month duration) commencement date. Please note that the Refund Policy shall not be applicable if this criteria is not met.
  2. Applicant will get refund of advance payment made for Short Term and Long Term Courses fees after the deduction of Administrative Charges which is ₹ 2,000/- for Indian Students and US $ 50 for International students.
  3. Tuition & Other fees are Non-Refundable in Short Term & Long Term Course.
  4. In the case where applicant decides to withdraw from Long Term Courses after joining the course or within a month the refund of Hostel Charges and food shall be provided after deducting pro rata.
  5. Refund Policy is not applicable after joining of the Short Term Course.
  6. Refund Policy is not applicable to the student after 1 month of the commencement of the Long Term Course.

International students are requested to go through this Pre-departure handbook below before arrival in India:

Pre-departure Handbook