
The Scientific Research Department

With his exceptional training and exposure to yoga under revered gurus, Swami Kuvalayananda sought to revolutionise the global outlook towards this ancient Indian tradition. He laid the spirited foundation for Kaivalyadhama by establishing the Scientific Research Department (SRD) in 1924.

SRD became the first and most pioneering initiative in yoga research at the time of its commencement, to reinforce as a science and make the world aware of its benefits. In 1988, SRD earned the recognition as an Institute of Scientific Research by the Scientific & Industrial Research Organization (SIRO), Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India.

SRD continues to conduct path-breaking research for yoga investigating the impact of traditional yoga on various biochemical, physiological, and psychological parameters of the body. With a fully-equipped and advanced scientific laboratory, SRD clinically examines perceptible effects of yoga on cancer, chronic diseases, epigenetics, auto immune diseases and psychogenic disorders.

Research Work


SRD’s innovative research-based findings have immensely contributed for spreading the knowledge of yoga as a systematic study amongst scientists, academicians and medical practitioners. Through our discoveries at SRD, we ensure that the advantages of Yoga are made available to all in a cost-efficient manner.

Specialised experiments at the premier department include explorations into yoga for overall health and wellness, recovery from disease, excellence in sports and endurance. SRD also performs cutting-edge fundamental studies into the effect of core yoga practices, such as asanas, kriyas, and pranayama and meditation amongst school children, yoga students, and police officers. The department also makes inquiries into the uses of yoga for recuperating from diseases such as obesity, diabetes, stress, and blindness.

SRD is led by a team of highly qualified and respected faculty. Our scientists and experts are invited to impart this knowledge at various Indian and global platforms. The Department offers M.Phil and Ph.D. degrees in Yoga. SRD has associations with other Indian universities, and collaborates with scientists in Europe and the USA for fundamental and applied research in yoga.


Info DesignSRD

Core Competencies


Projects of scientific research in Yoga undertaken to establish the relation between yoga and modern scientific disciplines as well as, fundamental nature, validity and applications of yoga practices by means of scientific methods.

srd- core


Income-generating and non-paid services of bio-chemical, physiological and psychological investigations to institutional and external clients.


Activities, events, and publications that create awareness in people about yoga and health.


Training activities for community and faculty development, as well as, teaching and mentoring of institutional course students.


Activities and events that impart information to common people about scientific research in yoga conducted by the department.

Core Competencies


Projects of scientific research in Yoga undertaken to establish the relation between yoga and modern scientific disciplines as well as, fundamental nature, validity and applications of yoga practices by means of scientific methods.


Activities, events, and publications that create awareness in people about yoga and health.


Training activities for community and faculty development, as well as, teaching and mentoring of institutional course students.


Income-generating and non-paid services of bio-chemical, physiological and psychological investigations to institutional and external clients.


Activities and events that impart information to common people about scientific research in yoga conducted by the department.

Funded Projects

CRC Scheme

Central Council for Research in Yoga & Naturopathy (CCRYN) has established its third Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) in collaboration with KSMYM Samiti (Kaivalyadhama), Lonavala. The current CRC Centre will work on Fundamental research on Shat Kriya and Pranayama.

EMR Project

Sanctioned by the Department of AYUSH under the EMR Scheme, this project is a special call for research on Diabetes. Our researchers are addressing the pre-diabetic population and studying effect of yoga module in pre diabetic participants at biochemical and also gene expression with the purpose of delaying and averting the onset and/or symptoms of Diabetes.

  • Jnana Prabodhini Institute of Psychology, Jnana Prabodhini Bhavan, 510 Sadashiv Peth, Pune 411030.
  • Kridakul, Jnana Prabodhini Nigdi, Pune
  • International Society for Scientific Interdisciplinary Researches in the Field of Yoga, represented by the President Prof. Predrag K. Nikic, New Belgrade, Serbia
  • Centre for Yoga Therapy Education & Research (CYTER), Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry
  • CEEC Incorporated, USA
  • SNDT University, Mumbai & Pune
  • GeneOmbio Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Pune
  • Indian Red Cross Society, Lonavala branch
  • National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health (NIRRH), Mumba
  • Samwad Shaala, Lonavala
  • MIMER Medical College, Talegaon
  • University of La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain

Citations received by research papers of SRD staff since 2015: 134

Peer-reviewed journals, books, and conference souvenirs:

  1. Pathak, S. D., Rajbhoj, P. H., & Bhogal, R. S., Effect of a yoga module on an enlarged prostate in elderly patients: Two case studies. Yoga Mimamsa
  2. Doddoli, S., Shete, S. U., Kulkarni, D. D., & Bhogal, R. S. (2016). Effect of yoga training on lipid metabolism in industrial workers with reference to body constitution (Prakriti). Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtcme.2016.08.001
  3. Tiwari, S., Telles S., Goel, A., & Verma, A. (2015). Beliefs about yoga: A survey in Mumbai. Journal of Biological and Scientific Opinion, 3(4), 176-180. [PDF]
  4. Doddoli, S., Kulkarni, D. D., Shete, S. U., & Bhogal, R. S. (2015). Effect of yoga training on resting metabolic rate (RMR) and body fat metabolism in the context of body constitution (prakriti). International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, 3(1), 14-21. [PDF]
  5. Rajbhoj, P. H., Shete, S. U., Verma, A., & Bhogal, R. S. (2015). Effect of yoga module on pro and anti inflammatory cytokines among industrial workers of Lonavala: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 9(2), 1-5. [HTML] [PDF]
  6. Kulkarni, D. D., Bhat, R., & Bhogal, R. S. (2015). Gayatri as Iso-Red-Shift of Astrophysical Event. Ancient Science, 2(2), 20-25. [PDF]
  7. Kulkarni, D. D., Doddoli, S., & Bhogal, R. S. (2015). Effect of yoga training on bio-energy dynamics with reference to bioelectrical impedance and tridosha in dominant nostril breathing types – A pilot study. International Journal of Innovative and Applied Research, 3(10), 47-58. [PDF]
  8. Bhogal, R.S. & Nagarajan, Karuna (2015). Yoga Education: B.Ed Yoga Programme. New Delhi: National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE). [PDF]
  9. Bhogal, R.S. & Shinde,C.G.(2015). Yoga for the Middle Aged, New Delhi: Souvenir of National Yoga Week, MDNIY, 64-67.
  10. Verma, Anita., Shete, S.U., Thakur, G.S., Kulkarni, D.D., & Bhogal, R.S. (2014). The effect of yoga practices on micronutrient absorption and physical fitness in rural residential school children: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy, 5(2), 179-184. [PDF]
  11. Verma, Anita., Shete, S.U., Thakur, G.S., Kulkarni, D.D., & Bhogal, R.S. (2014). The effect of yoga practices on cognitive development in rural residential school children in India. National Journal of Laboratory Medicine, 3(3), 15-19. [PDF]
  12. Kulkarni, D.D., Doddoli, S., Shete, S.U., Verma, A., & Bhogal, R. (2014). A bio-electrical model for physiological evaluation of nadi pariksha (Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis). International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research, 2(4), 25-31. [PDF]
  13. Shepal, A.V., & Shete, S. U. (2013). Effect of yoga on bio- markers linked with development of diabetes complications in type 2 diabetes patients: a preliminary study. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 4(4), 401-404. [PDF]
  14. Pant Gaurav, Bera T. K, Shete S. U. (2013). Yoga for controlling examination anxiety, depression and academic stress among students appearing for Indian board examination. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 4(8),1216-1219. [PDF]
  15. Shete, S. U., Kulkarni, D. D., & Thakur, G. S., (2012). Effect of yoga practices on hs-CRP in Indian railway engine drivers of metropolis. Recent Research in Science and Technology, 4(2), 30-33. [PDF]
  16. Shete, S. U., Thakur, G. S., & Kulkarni, D. D. (2012). Residential yoga and diet on lipid profile in police officers. International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 3(9), 155-158. [PDF]
  17. Thakur, G. S., Kulkarni, D. D., & Pant, G. (2011). Immediate Effect of Nostril Breathing on Memory Performance. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 55(1), 89-93. [PDF]
  18. Kulkarni, D. D., & Bera, T .K. (2009).Yogic exercise and health -A psycho-neuro immunological approach. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 53 (1), 3-15. [PDF]
  19. Mahapure, H. H., Shete, S. U., & Bera, T. K. (2008). Effect of yogic exercise on superoxide dismutase levels in diabetics. International Journal of Yoga, 1(1), 21-26. [HTML]
  20. Doddoli, S., Shete, S., Kulkarni, D., & Bhogal, R. (2016). Effect of yoga training on lipid metabolism in industrial workers with reference to body constitution (Prakriti). Journal of traditional and complementary medicine, 7(3), 322–326.
  21. Verma, A., Shete, S. U., Kulkarni, D. D., & Bhogal R. S. (2017). Effect of yoga practices on micronutrient absorption in urban residential school children. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 29(7), 1254-1258.
  22. Shete, S. U., Verma, A., Kulkarni, D. D., & Bhogal, R. S. (2017). Effect of yoga training on inflammatory cytokines and C-reactive protein in employees of small scale industries. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 6, 76.
  23. Verma, A., Shete, S. U., & Doddoli, G. (2019). An integrated therapy approach for the management of obesity-associated disorders: A case report. Journal of Family Medicine & Primary Care, 8, 1491-1494.
  24. Verma, A., Shete, S. U., & Doddoli, G. (2020). Impact of residential yoga training on occupational stress and health promotion in principals. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 9, 30.
  25. Verma, A., & Shete, S. U. (2020). Effect of yoga practices on general mental ability in urban residential school children [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 9]. Journal of Complementary & Integrative Medicine, 2020;/j/jcim.ahead-of-print/jcim-2019-0238/jcim-2019-0238.xml. doi:10.1515/jcim-2019-0238
  26. Patil, A.D., Vaidya, R. A., Pathak, S. D., Chauhan, S. L., Surve S.V., Kokate P. P., Joshi B.N. (2017).The Fourth Dimension in the Multidisciplinary Management of Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, A Narrative Review. The Indian Practitioner a monthly journal
  27. Mujumdar, R., Bhogal, R. S., Raje, S., Pathak, S. D., Dandekar, A. (2019). Pranayama and hypertension: Need for investigation. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Holistic Health.
  1. Bhogal, R. S., Thakur, G. S. & Shete, S. U. (2016). Differential impact of Shavasana and Meditation on Memory Scores in Healthy college students. Yoga Mimamsa, 48 (1&2), 9-12. [HTML]
  2. Kulkarni, D. D., Bhogal, R. S., Verma, A., & Shete, S. U. (2016). Bio-electrical activity: As a valid variable in yoga research. Yoga Mimamsa, 48(1), 13. [HTML]
  3. Bhogal, R. S. (2015). Scientific Research in Yoga: Recent Trends, Pradigmatic Stalemate & Future Hopes. Lonavala: Souvenir of 8th International Conference on Yoga & Education: Principles & Practice.
  4. Tiwari, S., Telles S., Goel, A., & Verma, A. (2014). Beliefs of yoga practitioners about yoga as a science: A survey in Mumbai. Yoga Mimamsa, 46, 15-19.
  5. Doddoli, S., Shete, S. U., Patil, S., & Doddoli, G. (2014). Possible effects of hot yoga: An objective approach. Yoga Mimamsa, 46(1), 9-14.
  6. Menon, P., Doddoli, S., Singh, S., & Bhogal, R. S. (2014). Personality correlates of mindfulness: A study in an Indian setting. Yoga Mimamsa, 46, 29-36.
  7. Maheshananda, S., Bera, T. K., Gore, M. M., Bhogal, R. S., Kulkarni, D. D., Oak, J. P., Shete, S. U., & Thakur, G. S. (2012). Management of suicidal tendency through yoga amongst adolescent students. Yoga-Mimamsa, 44(3), 162-179.
  8. Verma, A. (2012). Micronutrient absorption and yoga: A critical bibliographic study. Yoga-Mimamsa, 44(1), 31-40.
  9. Shepal, A. V. (2012). Global prevalence of diabetes and role of yoga: Evaluative annotations. Yoga-Mimamsa, 44(1), 41-51.
  10. Bhogal, R. S. (2012). Evolving a synthesis of modern and yogic interventional strategies for personality development of holistic nature. Yoga-Mimamsa, 44(1), 52-62.
  11. Thakur G.S. (2012). Suicidal tendency in adolescent students of India: A survey study. Yoga-Mimamsa, 43 (4), 265-274.
  12. Thakur, G. S., Shete, S. U., & Kulkarni, D. D. (2012). Effect of yoga training on hand steadiness in school students. Yoga-Mimamsa, 43(4), 297-303.
  13. Thakur, G. S., Shete, S. U., & Verma, A. (2011). Short term yoga intervention on occupational stress and quality of sleep in Kendriya Vidyalaya teachers. Yoga- Mimamsa, 43(3), 205-214.
  14. Kulkarni, D. D. (2011). Understanding HIP of yoga practice effects: A neuropsychological approach. Yoga-Mimamsa, 43(2), 152-164.
  15. Bera, T. K., Shete, S. U., Verma, A., & Sharma, N. (2017). Psychophysiological responses across the menstrual cycle in low fit college women after yoga training. Yoga Mimamsa, 49(1), 3-8.
  16. Bera, T. K., Chourasia, K., Shete, S. U., & Verma, A. (2017). Influence of pranayama on breath holding capacity and reaction time of junior state level elite swimmers. Yoga Mimamsa, 49(2), 63-67.
  17. Verma, A., Shete, S. U., & Doddoli, G. (2017). Effect of yoga and panchakarma therapy on psychophysiological variables: A pilot study. Yoga Mimamsa, 49(2), 48-52.
  1. Kulkarni, D. D., Bhat, R., Bhogal, R. S. (2017). Gayatri on Origin of Universe: A Cosmic AUM Modulation Model.
  2. Kulkarni, D. D., Suchitra, D., & Bhogal, R. S. (2017). An Objective Measure of Holistic Health Diagnosis: A HIP and Bioelectric Approach.
  3. Kulkarni, D. D., Verma, A., Shete, S.U., & Bhogal, R.S. (2017). Effect of Yoga Practice on Motor Neuron Current Phase Shift in Railway Engine Drivers of Metropolis.
  4. Menon, P. (2016). The scope of participatory research in yoga for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
  5. Rajbhoj, P. H., Menon, P., Kulkarni, R., & Bhogal, R. S. (2016). A randomized controlled study on the effect of yoga on the immune status and occupational stress of iron and steel industry personnel.
  • Jnana Prabodhini Institute of Psychology, Jnana Prabodhini Bhavan, 510 Sadashiv Peth, Pune 411030.
  • Kridakul, Jnana Prabodhini Nigdi, Pune
  • International Society for Scientific Interdisciplinary Researches in the Field of Yoga, represented by the President Prof. Predrag K. Nikic, New Belgrade, Serbia
  • Centre for Yoga Therapy Education & Research (CYTER), Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry
  • CEEC Incorporated, USA
  • SNDT University, Mumbai & Pune
  • GeneOmbio Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Pune
  • Indian Red Cross Society, Lonavala branch
  • National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health (NIRRH), Mumba
  • Samwad Shaala, Lonavala
  • MIMER Medical College, Talegaon
  • University of La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain

Citations received by research papers of SRD staff since 2015: 134

Peer-reviewed journals, books, and conference souvenirs:

  1. Pathak, S. D., Rajbhoj, P. H., & Bhogal, R. S., Effect of a yoga module on an enlarged prostate in elderly patients: Two case studies. Yoga Mimamsa
  2. Doddoli, S., Shete, S. U., Kulkarni, D. D., & Bhogal, R. S. (2016). Effect of yoga training on lipid metabolism in industrial workers with reference to body constitution (Prakriti). Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtcme.2016.08.001
  3. Tiwari, S., Telles S., Goel, A., & Verma, A. (2015). Beliefs about yoga: A survey in Mumbai. Journal of Biological and Scientific Opinion, 3(4), 176-180. [PDF]
  4. Doddoli, S., Kulkarni, D. D., Shete, S. U., & Bhogal, R. S. (2015). Effect of yoga training on resting metabolic rate (RMR) and body fat metabolism in the context of body constitution (prakriti). International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, 3(1), 14-21. [PDF]
  5. Rajbhoj, P. H., Shete, S. U., Verma, A., & Bhogal, R. S. (2015). Effect of yoga module on pro and anti inflammatory cytokines among industrial workers of Lonavla: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 9(2), 1-5. [HTML] [PDF]
  6. Kulkarni, D. D., Bhat, R., & Bhogal, R. S. (2015). Gayatri as Iso-Red-Shift of Astrophysical Event. Ancient Science, 2(2), 20-25. [PDF]
  7. Kulkarni, D. D., Doddoli, S., & Bhogal, R. S. (2015). Effect of yoga training on bio-energy dynamics with reference to bioelectrical impedance and tridosha in dominant nostril breathing types – A pilot study. International Journal of Innovative and Applied Research, 3(10), 47-58. [PDF]
  8. Bhogal, R.S. & Nagarajan, Karuna (2015). Yoga Education: B.Ed Yoga Programme. New Delhi: National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE). [PDF]
  9. Bhogal, R.S. & Shinde,C.G.(2015). Yoga for the Middle Aged, New Delhi: Souvenir of National Yoga Week, MDNIY, 64-67.
  10. Verma, Anita., Shete, S.U., Thakur, G.S., Kulkarni, D.D., & Bhogal, R.S. (2014). The effect of yoga practices on micronutrient absorption and physical fitness in rural residential school children: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy, 5(2), 179-184. [PDF]
  11. Verma, Anita., Shete, S.U., Thakur, G.S., Kulkarni, D.D., & Bhogal, R.S. (2014). The effect of yoga practices on cognitive development in rural residential school children in India. National Journal of Laboratory Medicine, 3(3), 15-19. [PDF]
  12. Kulkarni, D.D., Doddoli, S., Shete, S.U., Verma, A., & Bhogal, R. (2014). A bio-electrical model for physiological evaluation of nadi pariksha (Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis). International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research, 2(4), 25-31. [PDF]
  13. Shepal, A.V., & Shete, S. U. (2013). Effect of yoga on bio- markers linked with development of diabetes complications in type 2 diabetes patients: a preliminary study. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 4(4), 401-404. [PDF]
  14. Pant Gaurav, Bera T. K, Shete S. U. (2013). Yoga for controlling examination anxiety, depression and academic stress among students appearing for Indian board examination. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 4(8),1216-1219. [PDF]
  15. Shete, S. U., Kulkarni, D. D., & Thakur, G. S., (2012). Effect of yoga practices on hs-CRP in Indian railway engine drivers of metropolis. Recent Research in Science and Technology, 4(2), 30-33. [PDF]
  16. Shete, S. U., Thakur, G. S., & Kulkarni, D. D. (2012). Residential yoga and diet on lipid profile in police officers. International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 3(9), 155-158. [PDF]
  17. Thakur, G. S., Kulkarni, D. D., & Pant, G. (2011). Immediate Effect of Nostril Breathing on Memory Performance. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 55(1), 89-93. [PDF]
  18. Kulkarni, D. D., & Bera, T .K. (2009).Yogic exercise and health -A psycho-neuro immunological approach. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 53 (1), 3-15. [PDF]
  19. Mahapure, H. H., Shete, S. U., & Bera, T. K. (2008). Effect of yogic exercise on superoxide dismutase levels in diabetics. International Journal of Yoga, 1(1), 21-26. [HTML]
  20. Doddoli, S., Shete, S., Kulkarni, D., & Bhogal, R. (2016). Effect of yoga training on lipid metabolism in industrial workers with reference to body constitution (Prakriti). Journal of traditional and complementary medicine, 7(3), 322–326.
  21. Verma, A., Shete, S. U., Kulkarni, D. D., & Bhogal R. S. (2017). Effect of yoga practices on micronutrient absorption in urban residential school children. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 29(7), 1254-1258.
  22. Shete, S. U., Verma, A., Kulkarni, D. D., & Bhogal, R. S. (2017). Effect of yoga training on inflammatory cytokines and C-reactive protein in employees of small scale industries. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 6, 76.
  23. Verma, A., Shete, S. U., & Doddoli, G. (2019). An integrated therapy approach for the management of obesity-associated disorders: A case report. Journal of Family Medicine & Primary Care, 8, 1491-1494.
  24. Verma, A., Shete, S. U., & Doddoli, G. (2020). Impact of residential yoga training on occupational stress and health promotion in principals. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 9, 30.
  25. Verma, A., & Shete, S. U. (2020). Effect of yoga practices on general mental ability in urban residential school children [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 9]. Journal of Complementary & Integrative Medicine, 2020;/j/jcim.ahead-of-print/jcim-2019-0238/jcim-2019-0238.xml. doi:10.1515/jcim-2019-0238
  26. Patil, A.D., Vaidya, R. A., Pathak, S. D., Chauhan, S. L., Surve S.V., Kokate P. P., Joshi B.N. (2017).The Fourth Dimension in the Multidisciplinary Management of Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, A Narrative Review. The Indian Practitioner a monthly journal
  27. Mujumdar, R., Bhogal, R. S., Raje, S., Pathak, S. D., Dandekar, A. (2019). Pranayama and hypertension: Need for investigation. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Holistic Health.
  1. Bhogal, R. S., Thakur, G. S. & Shete, S. U. (2016). Differential impact of Shavasana and Meditation on Memory Scores in Healthy college students. Yoga Mimamsa, 48 (1&2), 9-12. [HTML]
  2. Kulkarni, D. D., Bhogal, R. S., Verma, A., & Shete, S. U. (2016). Bio-electrical activity: As a valid variable in yoga research. Yoga Mimamsa, 48(1), 13. [HTML]
  3. Bhogal, R. S. (2015). Scientific Research in Yoga: Recent Trends, Pradigmatic Stalemate & Future Hopes. Lonavla: Souvenir of 8th International Conference on Yoga & Education: Principles & Practice.
  4. Tiwari, S., Telles S., Goel, A., & Verma, A. (2014). Beliefs of yoga practitioners about yoga as a science: A survey in Mumbai. Yoga Mimamsa, 46, 15-19.
  5. Doddoli, S., Shete, S. U., Patil, S., & Doddoli, G. (2014). Possible effects of hot yoga: An objective approach. Yoga Mimamsa, 46(1), 9-14.
  6. Menon, P., Doddoli, S., Singh, S., & Bhogal, R. S. (2014). Personality correlates of mindfulness: A study in an Indian setting. Yoga Mimamsa, 46, 29-36.
  7. Maheshananda, S., Bera, T. K., Gore, M. M., Bhogal, R. S., Kulkarni, D. D., Oak, J. P., Shete, S. U., & Thakur, G. S. (2012). Management of suicidal tendency through yoga amongst adolescent students. Yoga-Mimamsa, 44(3), 162-179.
  8. Verma, A. (2012). Micronutrient absorption and yoga : A critical bibliographic study. Yoga-Mimamsa, 44(1), 31-40.
  9. Shepal, A. V. (2012). Global prevalence of diabetes and role of yoga: Evaluative annotations. Yoga-Mimamsa, 44(1), 41-51.
  10. Bhogal, R. S. (2012). Evolving a synthesis of modern and yogic interventional strategies for personality development of holistic nature. Yoga-Mimamsa, 44(1), 52-62.
  11. Thakur G.S. (2012). Suicidal tendency in adolescent students of India: A survey study. Yoga-Mimamsa, 43 (4), 265-274.
  12. Thakur, G. S., Shete, S. U., & Kulkarni, D. D. (2012). Effect of yoga training on hand steadiness in school students. Yoga-Mimamsa, 43(4), 297-303.
  13. Thakur, G. S., Shete, S. U., & Verma, A. (2011). Short term yoga intervention on occupational stress and quality of sleep in Kendriya Vidyalaya teachers. Yoga- Mimamsa, 43(3), 205-214.
  14. Kulkarni, D. D. (2011). Understanding HIP of yoga practice effects: A neuropsychological approach. Yoga-Mimamsa, 43(2), 152-164.
  15. Bera, T. K., Shete, S. U., Verma, A., & Sharma, N. (2017). Psychophysiological responses across the menstrual cycle in low fit college women after yoga training. Yoga Mimamsa, 49(1), 3-8.
  16. Bera, T. K., Chourasia, K., Shete, S. U., & Verma, A. (2017). Influence of pranayama on breath holding capacity and reaction time of junior state level elite swimmers. Yoga Mimamsa, 49(2), 63-67.
  17. Verma, A., Shete, S. U., & Doddoli, G. (2017). Effect of yoga and panchakarma therapy on psychophysiological variables: A pilot study. Yoga Mimamsa, 49(2), 48-52.
  1. Kulkarni, D. D., Bhat, R., Bhogal, R. S. (2017). Gayatri on Origin of Universe: A Cosmic AUM Modulation Model.
  2. Kulkarni, D. D., Suchitra, D., & Bhogal, R. S. (2017). An Objective Measure of Holistic Health Diagnosis: A HIP and Bioelectric Approach.
  3. Kulkarni, D. D., Verma, A., Shete, S.U., & Bhogal, R.S. (2017). Effect of Yoga Practice on Motor Neuron Current Phase Shift in Railway Engine Drivers of Metropolis.
  4. Menon, P. (2016). The scope of participatory research in yoga for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
  5. Rajbhoj, P. H., Menon, P., Kulkarni, R., & Bhogal, R. S. (2016). A randomized controlled study on the effect of yoga on the immune status and occupational stress of iron and steel industry personnel.

Independent Ethics Committee for Kaivalyadham Yoga Institute

Dr. Bhaskar Rambhau Shejwal,
Emeritus Professor,
Affiliation: Dept of Psychology, S. P. Pune University, Pune


  1. Dr. Ulka Natu
  2. Mrs. Sandhya Dixit
  3. Dr. Arvind Ranade
  4. Dr. Sharadchandra Bhalekar
  5. Dr.Shailesh Shah – Member (A)
  6. Adv. Tanu Mehta
  7. Dr. J. O. Bachhav
  8. Mr. Anil Chandawani – Member (A)
  9. Dr. Ganesh Rao
  10. Dr. Bharat Bhushan
  11. Mrs. Pratibha Rajbhoj – Member Secretary

Research Advisory Committee

  1. Dr. B. N. Gangadhar (Chairman)
  2. Dr. Anand Balyogi Bhavnani (Member)
  3. Dr. Bharat Bhushan (Member)
  4. Dr. Shruti Sharma (Member)
  5. Dr. Rahul Gosavi (Member)
  6. Dr. Smita Sharma (Member)

Research Team

Dr. R. S. Bhogal

Dr. R. S. Bhogal


Dr. Satish D. Pathak


Dr. Praseeda Menon


Mr. Sanjay Shete


Dr. R. S. Bhogal

Dr. R. S. Bhogal


Dr. Satish D. Pathak


Dr. Praseeda Menon


Mr. Sanjay Shete


Dr. R. S. Bhogal
Jt. Director Research

View Profile

Dr. Satish D. Pathak
Asst. Director – Research (SRD)

View Profile

Dr. Praseeda Menon
Research Officer (Psychology)

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Mrs. Pratibha Rajbhoj
Research Officer – CRC Project

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Mr. Sanjay Shete
Research Assistant (Biochemistry)

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Ms. Anita Verma
Research Assistant (Physiology)

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Mr. Shivam Das
Data Entry Operator
(CRC Project)

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Mr. Deval Chauhan
Yoga Therapist (SRD)

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Mr. Sanjay Shete
Research Assistant (Biochemistry)

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Ms. Anita Verma
Research Assistant (Physiology)

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Mr. Shivam Das
Data Entry Operator
(CRC Project)

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Ms. Priya Choudhary
Yoga Therapist (CRC Project)

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Dr. R. S. Bhogal
Jt. Director Research

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Dr. Satish D. Pathak
Asst. Director – Research (SRD)

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Dr. Praseeda Menon
Research Officer (Psychology)

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Mr. Sanjay Shete
Research Assistant (Biochemistry)

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Ms. Anita Verma


Mrs. Akshata Badave


Mrs. Pratibha Rajbhoj


Ms. Priya Choudhary

Yoga Therapist (CRC Project)

Ms. Anita Verma


Mrs. Akshata Badave


Mrs. Pratibha Rajbhoj


Ms. Priya Choudhary

Yoga Therapist (CRC Project)

Mr. Shivam Das

Data Entry Operator (CRC Project)

Mr. Shivam Das

Data Entry Operator (CRC Project)

Ms. Anita Verma


Mrs. Akshata Badave


Mrs. Pratibha Rajbhoj


Dr. Santosh Pandey

Dr. Santosh Pandey


Prof. R. S. Bhogal


Dr. Satish D. Pathak


Mr. D. D. Kulkarni


Dr. Praseeda Menon


Mr. Sanjay Shete


Ms. Anita Verma


Mrs. Akshata Badave


Mrs. Pratibha Rajbhoj


Dr. Santosh Pandey


Mrs. Nivedita Dhage


Mr. Sandeep Wankhede


Mr. Visheh Kamble

Data Entry Operator (CRC Project)

  1. Comparative effect of pranadharana, nadanusandhan, Shavasana and Meditation on selected psycho-physiological and biochemical parameters in healthy college students.
  2. Immediate effect of Shavasana and Meditation on bio-phase angle, RMR and Attitude towards yoga in healthy student volunteers.
  3. Education, Rehabilitation and Research Programme (ERRP) on yoga for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)
  4. The effect of a pranayama module on reduction of hypertension.
  5. Effect of Yoga training on psycho-motor performance among Mumbai loco motormen.
  6. Studies on effects of modern & Indian modes of “Ahara” on bioenergetics with implications to holistic health.
  7. Psychological impact of a comprehensive yoga module in Cancer and Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs): An empirical study.
  8. Breath, Stress and Health: A bio-cultural study of Hatha Yoga practice.
  9. Role of yoga in self-regulation: A cross-cultural study on Indian And Spanish hypertensives in comparison with normotensives.
  10. To study the efficacy of yoga practices on endocrine and psychological parameters in young unmarried girls with polycystic ovarian syndrome: A prospective study.
  11. Effect of yoga on diabetes in relation to HbA1c.
  12. Survey study: Effect of yoga on perceived psycho-physiological health amongst students of GS College.
  13. Effect of yoga practices on overweight and obese students of MIMER Medical College.
  14. Efficacy of Bhramari Pranayama on Sleep Quality and Psychological Well-Being in hypertensive patients.
  15. Projects under collaborative Research Centre Scheme completed
  • Effects of Trataka kriya on stress, anxiety and mental well Being in school teachers"
  • , “Neti Kriya as a therapeutic intervention for Chronic Allergic Rhinitis: A case study” Paper submitted to Journal has been accepted (Approved by CCRYN, yet to be initiated)
  • Effects of Trataka kriya on stress, anxiety and mental well Being in parents of 9th and 10 std students
  • Comparative Effect of Sheetali as single practice, and Sheetali with Anuloma Viloma Pranayama, on Blood Pressure and select Psychological Parameters
  • Effect of selected yoga practices on migraine: a randomized controlled trial
  • .Effect of classical Kapalabhati Kriya on the total antioxidant status and pulmonary functions of healthy individuals: A Self as Control Pilot Study
  • .Effect of Agnisara Kriya on insulin resistance and insulin sensitivity in pre-diabetic population
  • Projects in collaboration with other Institutes not yet initiated

Topics of Ph.D. Registered Students at Kaivalyadhama

  1. The Hatha Yogic Psycho-Spiritual Methods to Holistic Health
  2. The Effect of Trataka on the Digital Eye-Strain, Mental Health and Wellbeing of High School Children with Reference to the COVID-19 Pandemic
  3. नाथसंप्रदायानुसार कुंडलिनी योग - एक विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन
  4. Study of Traditional Concepts of Ajapā Japa
  5. कोविड-19 च्या संसर्गा पश्चात निर्माण होणार्‍या लक्षणांवर यौगिक प्रक्रियांची परिणामकारकता- एक चिकित्सक अध्ययन
  6. The Effect of a Kriyā yoga module on stress and its related parameters, sleep, well-being and academic self-efficacy of adolescents
  7. योगीराज मनोहर हरकरे यांचे योगशास्त्रातील योगदान - एक अध्ययन
  8. The Effect of A Muti-Component Yoga Module on Insomnia and Related Psychological Problems: A Randomized Controlled Study
  9. विश्वयोगी स्वामी सीतारामदासजी महाराज यांचे आध्यात्मिक योगजीवन - एक अध्ययन
  10. Kama in Yogic Life According to the Yoga Texts: A Critical Study
  11. संत श्री सुखदेवजी बुधोलिया उपाख्य भय्याजी महाराज विरचित अध्यात्मपर प्रार्थना ग्रंथाचे विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन
  12. A Comparative Study of the Principles and Practices of Hatha Yoga: As Revealed in Amrtasiddhi Yoga & Hathabhyasa-Paddhati
  13. The Effect of Viparitkarani Mudra on Ageing Related Parameters Among Adults.