Shri. Sudhir’s initiation into yoga happened under the guidance of Swami Digambar ji, a disciple of Swami Kuvalayananda and his father Dr. Om Prakash Tiwari ji.
His goal is to present yoga not just as asanas but as an experiential practice encompassing but not limited to Yamas, Niyamas, Asana, Pranayama and meditational techniques, mantra yoga and techniques of ishwar pranidhana of Patanjali.
Shri. Sudhir now travels all around the world conducting workshops in theory and practice of Yoga, asana, traditional pranayama, meditation, chanting and Ayurveda and with his familiarity of alternative western medicine he also correlates these disciplines.
He also leads the Three year Pranayama Teachers training course of Kaivalyadhama.
His Mantra, Breathe Positive, Breathe Yoga.