
Meditation Techniques for Continual Wellness

Facilitator: Prof. R. S. Bhogal 

Medium of Communication: English

Day: Saturday and Sunday

Duration of Each Session: 2 days, 3 hours session (with 15 minutes of pause)  

Dates: 27th and 28th March 2021

Time: 16:30 to 19:30 pm (Indian time; +5:30 hrs GMT) 

Fees: 2,100/- INR

Medium: Online Class (Zoom meeting)

Knowing Dhyana, Vak and Arth: 

Dhyana (Yoga Meditation) is the process of restoring all our faculties towards total Health, through achieving an ideal state of Citta (mind, intellect & ego) and an ideal flow of prana within our body, culminating into Continual Wellness.”

Vak (well-configured sound patterns in the form of Mantras) and Arth (meaningful abstract feelings accruing through psycho-physiological practices of yoga) are two broad paths to Yoga Meditation.

Knowing Dhyana, Vak and Arth: 

Dhyana (Yoga Meditation) is the process of restoring all our faculties towards total Health, through achieving an ideal state of Citta (mind, intellect & ego) and an ideal flow of prana within our body, culminating into Continual Wellness.”

Vak (well-configured sound patterns in the form of Mantras) and Arth (meaningful abstract feelings accruing through psycho-physiological practices of yoga) are two broad paths to Yoga Meditation.

How do Yoga Meditation Techniques Help?

Samadhayah Cittasya Swabhavah: The native nature of Citta is to move towards the Samadhi states (the perennially balanced psycho-physiological states).

As per Patanjala Yoga Sutra, Yoga is the freedom from the slavery of functions of Mind-Intellect-Ego complex, culminating into the state of Seer (PYS: II: 2, 3).

Therefore, we need to first identify the obstacles towards the freedom, before we start practicing Meditation Techniques for best effects.

The Nature of Obstacles to Overcome

The root sources of obstacles, in the path of Yoga, are Klesha & Samskar. 

Yoga holds that every human being is a born Yogi, unlike the modern philosophical thought advocating Tabula Rasa. Even though everyone is a Yogi, yet one has to overcome/transcend the said obstacles to achieve the state of yoga-hood.

Practical Approach in Yoga Meditation, in Overcoming the Obstacles of Klesha and Samskar: 

Yoga Meditation cleanses samskars (i.e. deep rooted psychic impressions), in threefold manner:

  • Bahyakasha (Outer Sky): Many a samskar are embedded in the sensory motor levels for which ancient sages have discovered Pratyahara Techniques that use exteroceptive, proprioceptive, interoceptive and vestibular impulses.
  • Antarakasha (Inner Sky): Many a Dharana technique require us to feel non-muscular impulses within the body, through Mantras, Bija Mantras, Bandhas & Mudras, as well as, through the experiential breathing awareness techniques, pressure changes within the body and such other processes.
  • Cidakasa (The Sky of the Consciousness): Subtler subjective impulses, independent of the breathing, exteroception, interoception and vestibular domains, culminating into a deep sense of inward and ecstatic experience of fulfillment, obtainable through subtler stages of Dharana-moving-towards Dhyana.

Outline of the Workshop

  • Understanding of Dhyana in Shiva Samhita
  • Understanding the “Absolute Joy” and the tips for experiencing it for Continual Wellness.
  • Understanding Nine Chakras and practical ways to access the same.
  • Significance of Ajna Chakra, Sahasrara Chakra, Vyapini Chakra and Brahma Shikhar in achieving the ability to gain and maintain the Continual Wellness.
  • Dharana Practices from Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, Basic tenets and down-to-earth stages of the practical Dhyana, from Buddhist tradition and Upanishads.
  • Practical tips for making the Dhyana a success, every time we practice it.
  • Some practical sure-fire Dharana Techniques leading into Dhyana.

Benefits of Meditation (i.e. Dhyana) Towards Continual Wellness

  • As per Bhagwat Gita (II: 64, 65), all miseries can be removed through the Absolute Joy which is obtainable through keeping Raga and Dvesha at bay. Meditation techniques, shared during the work-shop, would enrich us in accessing the Absolute Joy at will, during the practice of Dhyana.
  • In case of disturbed mind, hurt feelings, depressive mood states, disinterestedness, occurrence of frequent mental tensions for no apparently reasons.
  • Helps maintain a calm and composed disposition to a tolerable extent always, irrespective of happenings around.
  • Decision Making and Problem solving improves as you start feeling always connected to your environment, without getting too indulged in it.
  • You start enjoying you work with a rare inward delight and creativity.

About the Facilitator:

Prof. R. S. Bhogal is Joint Dir. Research at Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla, with more than thirty years of research and teaching experience. Formerly, Principal of Yoga College of Kaivalyadhama (Lonavla), he is Editor-in-Chief of Yoga Mimamsa (a biennial scientific Journal) of Kaivalyadhama, and is author of seven books, including
i) Psycho-Physiology of Traditional Yoga (in Korean)
ii) Yoga and Modern Psychology (in English and German)
iii) Yoga and Mental Health and Beyond (in English, Bulgarian, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese & Korean)
iv. Yoga-Psychology & Beyond (English).
Prof. Bhogal is credited with a large number of scientific papers and is a recipient of many National & International awards and accolades. Widely travelled for spreading the message of classical meditation in many cities across Asia, America and Europe, he is meditation expert sympathetic and ready-to-help disposition.

Advance Meditation Workshops, Advance Meditation Courses
Prof. R. S. Bhogal

Please note that the practices and their sequence are subject to change, as per the demand of the emergent time

27. 03. 2021

4.30  to 5.30 p.m.


Dhyana Process: Three Practical stages: Bahyakash, Antarakasha and Cidakasha

Dhyana: Preparation: Achara (Life-style), Vichara (Thinking),  Ahara (Dietary Considerations, Vihara (Pastimes): 15 min.


Procedural  Tips: from Pratyahara to Nirvichara Samapatti followed by subtler Dharana & Dhyana Breathing Awareness Technique-1&2, leading to Sense Pratyahara- Chakra Arousal Technique through Breath and through Omkar/Ameen/Amen: 25 min.


Kapalabhati leading to Pratyahara & Dharana: 10 min. Kriya Yoga:  Tapah, Swadhyaya, Ishwara Pranidhana:  (practical session) leading to Meditation in supine posture: 25 min.


5.40 to 6.00 p.m.: Followed by Interactive Session

27. 03. 2021

6.15  to 7.15 p.m. 


Classical practice of Sagarbha Pranayama leading to Pratyahara followed by Vijnana Bhairava Dharana and meditative state: 15 min.


Concept of Chakras: How to transcend Chakras corresponding to the Akash Traya (Three skys): Practice; followed by Supine Meditation of Shiva Samhita: Feeling three skys during Supine Meditation: 20 min.


Kriya Yoga Practice followed by Varuni Dharana & Panch Kosh Dharana; followed by Supine Meditation of Shiva Samhita: 25 min.


7.15 to 7.30 p.m.: Followed by Interactive Session/Quick Meditation techniques

28. 03. 2021

4.30 to 5.30 p.m.


Pratyahara of Vasishtha Samhita, followed by three of the Shodus Adhar and Antarlakshya leading to seated Meditation: 25 min.


Practice of three of the quick meditation techniques followed by Supine Meditation of Shiva Samhita (Practical Session): 45min.

28. 03. 2021

6:15 to 7:15 p.m.


Self-practice of Dhyana followed by interactive session; Recap. Of the Dhyana Process (Practical Tips)  and Yoga Meditation incorporating the tips (seated): 35 min


Pancha Tattva Pratyahara followed by Amrita Dharana  through subtler Omkar leading to Supine  Meditation: 25 min.


7.15 to 7.30 p.m.: Interactive Session/Quick Meditation Techniques

Recording: Recordings will be provided for duration of 7 days, post-workshop.

Please be mindful that we are sharing the recording/s in a good faith to support you in your practices or study. Please honor its intellectual property rights by not downloading it on your device or forward it to any other person.

Participation Certificate: At the end of the workshop you will get a certification of participation. Please register with the name you would like to receive a certificate with. 



Zoom app downloaded on your tab, smartphone or PC / Laptop with internet connection.


For India: Rs. 2,100/-

For International: $30 USD

Date and Timings

Date: 27th and 28th March 2021

Time: 16:30 to 19:30 pm (Indian time; +5:30 hrs GMT) 

Query for this workshop? Please email us – onlineworkshops@kdham.com

No refund will be available for this Workshop.

Please pay and book your spot through the link above. We will send you email instructions with credentials post registration.

Query for this workshop? Please email us – onlineworkshops@kdham.com