
Integrated Chakra Meditation

by Dr. Santosh Pandey
16th to 22nd July 2023
(Check-in: 16th July
Check-out: 23rd July)

Possible Outcomes of the Workshop

1. Integrated Chakra Meditation Benefits:

  • Muladhara Chakra: The malfunctioning of the Muladhara Chakra results in Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Spinal Problems, Ailments related to blood and lymph, cancer, Heart Ailments, Brain Ailments and Reproductive system Ailments. By practising integrated chakra meditation all these ailments can be avoided and one can lead a healthy Physical, Mental and Spiritually balanced life.
  • Swadhisthan Chakra: The malfunctioning of the Swadhisthan Chakra results in Urinary Problems, Impotency, sterility, Enlarged Prostate Gland, and other Genito-urinary Problems. By practising integrated chakra meditation all these ailments can be avoided and one can lead a healthy Physical, Mental and Spiritually balanced life.
  • Manipur Chakra: The malfunctioning of the Manipur Chakra results in Constipation, IBS, Appendicitis, Indigestion, Peptic Ulcers, Intestinal ailments, Low vitality, Colitis. By practising integrated chakra meditation all these ailments can be avoided and one can lead a healthy Physical, Mental and Spiritually balanced life.
  • Anahat Chakra: The malfunctioning of the Anahat Chakra results in Heart ailments, Ailments of blood vessels, Depression, Anxiety, Respiratory disorders. By practising integrated chakra meditation all these ailments can be avoided and one can lead a healthy Physical, Mental and Spiritually balanced life.
  • Vishudhi Chakra: The malfunctioning of the Vishudhi Chakra results in Diseases of Throat, Larynx, Trachea, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Lymphatic system, Goitre, Upper respiratory Ailments. By practising integrated chakra meditation all these ailments can be avoided and one can lead a healthy Physical, Mental and Spiritually balanced life.
  • Ajna Chakra: The malfunctioning of the Ajna Chakra results in Diseases of Endocrines, Eye Ailments, Cancer, Stress, Depression, Anxiety. By practising integrated chakra meditation all these ailments can be avoided and one can lead a healthy Physical, Mental and Spiritually balanced life.
  • Sahasrara Chakra: The malfunctioning of the Sahasrara Chakra results in Higher mental functions imbalance, Hormonal Problems, Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Neurological diseases. By practising integrated chakra meditation Kriya all these ailments can be avoided and one can lead a healthy Physical, Mental and Spiritually balanced life.

2. Spiritual Benefits:

  • The integrated chakra meditation helps in maintaining the depleted, overactivated and improper pranic flow in all the chakras as per the studies by IPHF.
  • The integrated chakra meditation corrects the nadis / cords through which energy is absorbed and grounded so that it doesn’t get imbalanced in the case of any negative condition.
  • The integrated chakra meditation will be helpful to release all the suppressed and pent up emotions which can trigger the congestion of the chakras.
  • The integrated chakra meditation will help the practitioner to do deeper levels of meditation.
  • The integrated chakra meditation will help to reduce the stress as its practices are based on Kundalini Yoga and Music Therapy.

Day – 1

Session 1

  1. Introduction to Yoga
  2. Schools of Yoga
  3. Introduction to Kundalini Yoga
    a) Chakras
    b) Nadis
    c) Formation of chakras
    d) Concept of health and chakras
    e) Concept of health according to Kundalini Yoga
  4. Significance of Muladhara chakra in maintaining Physiological Health
  5. Meaning of shiv shadakshari Mantra (1-2)
  6. Siddha Kundalini kriya and Pranayama
  7. Significance of Chakra Mudras
  8. Meaning of Nirvan shataka

Session 2

  1. Pranayama
    a) Anulom Vilom
    b) Bhramari
  2. Mooladhar beej sadhana with shunya sadhana
  3. Kundalini Mantra Sadhana
  4. Shiv shadakshri chanting
  5. Nirvana shatakam chanting
  6. Shanti path

Day – 2

Session 1

  1. Significance of Yamas and Niyama’s for Mental and Physical well-being of 7 chakras
  2. Significance of Pranayama’s for energizing, balancing chakras, cleansing the Nadis and for balancing the chakras
  3. Significance of Swadhisthan chakra in maintaining Physiological Health
  4. Meaning of shiv shadakshari Mantra (3-4)
  5. Siddha Kundalini kriya and Pranayama
  6. Significance of Chakra Mudras
  7. Meaning of Nirvan shataka


Session 2

  1. Pranayama
    a) Anulom Vilom
    b) Bhramari
  2. Swadhisthan beej sadhana with shunya sadhana
  3. Shiv shadakshri chanting
  4. Kundalini Mantra Sadhana
  5. Nirvana shatakam chanting
  6. Shanti path

Day – 3

Session 1

  1. Significance of Pancha Pranas for Mental and Physical wellbeing
  2. Significance of Manipur chakra and surya chakra in maintaining Physiological Health
  3. Siddha Kundalini kriya and Pranayama
  4. Significance of Chakra Mudras
  5. Meaning of shiv shadakshari Mantra (5-6)
  6. Meaning of Nirvana shatakam




Session 2

  1. Pranayama
    a) Anulom Vilom
    b) Bhramari
  2. Manipur beej sadhana with shunya sadhana
  3. Shiv shadakshri chanting
  4. Kundalini Mantra Sadhana
  5. Nirvana shatakam chanting
  6. Shanti path

Day – 4

Session 1

  1. Significance of Kundalini Mudras for Mental and Physical wellbeing
  2. Significance of Anahat chakra in maintaining Physiological Health
  3. Meaning of Nirvana shatakam
  4. Siddha Kundalini kriya and Pranayama
  5. Significance of Chakra Mudras

Session 2

  1. Pranayama
    a) Anulom Vilom
    b) Bhramari
  2. Anahat beej sadhana with shunya sadhana
  3. Shiv shadakshri chanting
  4. Kundalini Mantra Sadhana
  5. Nirvana shatakam chanting
  6. Shanti path

Day – 5

Session 1

  1. Significance of Pancha Kosha, Pancha Pranas and Pancha Prana Mudras for Mental and Physical wellbeing
  2. Significance of vishudhi and Ajna chakra in maintaining Physiological Health
  3. Meaning of Nirvana shatakam
  4. Siddha Kundalini kriya and Pranayama
  5. Significance of Chakra Mudras

Session 2

  1. Pranayama
    a) Anulom Vilom
    b) Bhramari
  2. Vishuddhi And Ajna beej sadhana with shunya sadhana
  3. Shiv shadakshri chanting
  4. Kundalini Mantra Sadhana
  5. Nirvana shatakam chanting
  6. Shanti path

Day – 6

Session 1

  1. Significance of Pancha Kosha, Pancha Pranas and Chakras for Mental and Physical well – being
  2. Significance of Shastrar chakra in maintaining Physiological Health
  3. Energy cleansing, Channels, internal healing and spiritual well being
  4. Importance of Kundalini sadhana in Daily life
  5. Kundalini Kriya

Session 2

  1. Pranayama
    a) Anulom Vilom
    b) Bhramari
  2. Shiv hadakshari chanting
  3. Grounding meditation
  4. Complete Kundalini kriya
  5. Nirvana shatakam chanting
  6. Shanti path

Day – 1

Date: 17th July 2023

Session 1

  1. Introduction to Yoga
  2. Schools of Yoga
  3. Introduction to Kundalini Yoga
    a) Chakras
    b) Nadis
    c) Formation of chakras
    d) Concept of health and chakras
    e) Concept of health according to Kundalini Yoga
  4. Significance of Muladhara chakra in maintaining Physiological Health
  5. Meaning of shiv shadakshari Mantra (1-2)
  6. Siddha Kundalini kriya and Pranayama
  7. Significance of Chakra Mudras
  8. Meaning of Nirvan shataka

Session 2

  1. Pranayama
    a) Anulom Vilom
    b) Bhramari
  2. Mooladhar beej sadhana with shunya sadhana
  3. Kundalini Mantra Sadhana
  4. Shiv shadakshri chanting
  5. Nirvana shatakam chanting
  6. Shanti path

Day – 2

Date: 18th July 2023

Session 1

  1. Significance of Yamas and Niyama’s for Mental and Physical well-being of 7 chakras
  2. Significance of Pranayama’s for energizing, balancing chakras, cleansing the Nadis and for balancing the chakras
  3. Significance of Swadhisthan chakra in maintaining Physiological Health
  4. Meaning of shiv shadakshari Mantra (3-4)
  5. Siddha Kundalini kriya and Pranayama
  6. Significance of Chakra Mudras
  7. Meaning of Nirvan shataka

Session 2

  1. Pranayama
    a) Anulom Vilom
    b) Bhramari
  2. Swadhisthan beej sadhana with shunya sadhana
  3. Shiv shadakshri chanting
  4. Kundalini Mantra Sadhana
  5. Nirvana shatakam chanting
  6. Shanti path

Day – 3

Date: 19th July 2023

Session 1

  1. Significance of Pancha Pranas for Mental and Physical wellbeing
  2. Significance of Manipur chakra and surya chakra in maintaining Physiological Health
  3. Siddha Kundalini kriya and Pranayama
  4. Significance of Chakra Mudras
  5. Meaning of shiv shadakshari Mantra (5-6)
  6. Meaning of Nirvana shatakam

Session 2

  1. Pranayama
    a) Anulom Vilom
    b) Bhramari
  2. Manipur beej sadhana with shunya sadhana
  3. Shiv shadakshri chanting
  4. Kundalini Mantra Sadhana
  5. Nirvana shatakam chanting
  6. Shanti path

Day – 4

Date: 20th July 2023

Session 1

  1. Significance of Kundalini Mudras for Mental and Physical wellbeing
  2. Significance of Anahat chakra in maintaining Physiological Health
  3. Meaning of Nirvana shatakam
  4. Siddha Kundalini kriya and Pranayama
  5. Significance of Chakra Mudras

Session 2

  1. Pranayama
    a) Anulom Vilom
    b) Bhramari
  2. Anahat beej sadhana with shunya sadhana
  3. Shiv shadakshri chanting
  4. Kundalini Mantra Sadhana
  5. Nirvana shatakam chanting
  6. Shanti path

Day – 5

Date: 21st July 2023

Session 1

  1. Significance of Pancha Kosha, Pancha Pranas and Pancha Prana Mudras for Mental and Physical wellbeing
  2. Significance of vishudhi and Ajna chakra in maintaining Physiological Health
  3. Meaning of Nirvana shatakam
  4. Siddha Kundalini kriya and Pranayama
  5. Significance of Chakra Mudras

Session 2

  1. Pranayama
    a) Anulom Vilom
    b) Bhramari
  2. Vishuddhi And Ajna beej sadhana with shunya sadhana
  3. Shiv shadakshri chanting
  4. Kundalini Mantra Sadhana
  5. Nirvana shatakam chanting
  6. Shanti path

Day – 6

Date: 22nd July 2023

Session 1

  1. Significance of Pancha Kosha, Pancha Pranas and Chakras for Mental and Physical well – being
  2. Significance of Shastrar chakra in maintaining Physiological Health
  3. Energy cleansing, Channels, internal healing and spiritual well being
  4. Importance of Kundalini sadhana in Daily life
  5. Kundalini Kriya

Session 2

  1. Pranayama
    a) Anulom Vilom
    b) Bhramari
  2. Shiv hadakshari chanting
  3. Grounding meditation
  4. Complete Kundalini kriya
  5. Nirvana shatakam chanting
  6. Shanti path

Date: 16th July to 22nd July 2023

7.00 am to 8.00 am

Practice of Classical Yoga (Asanas, Pranayama)

10 am to 12 pm with 15 minutes break

Session 1 with Q & A

3.00 pm to 5.00 pm

Session 2 with Q & A

6.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Session 3

Date: 16th July to 22nd July 2023

7.15 am to 8.15 am

Practice of Classical Yoga (Asanas, Pranayama, as Per Kdham Tradition)

10 am to 12 pm with 15 minutes break

Session 1 with Q/A

1.30 pm to 2.00 pm

Yog Nidra

3.30 pm to 5.00 pm

Session 2 with Q & A

Workshop Facilitator

Dr. Santosh Pandey has completed B.N.Y.S, MBA (Hospital Administration); he is also Reiki Grand master level 12, Advance Pranic Healer, PGDIA, and PGDIN. He has been awarded the President’s National award, and has also earned a Gold medal in Yoga and Naturopathy in 2005 awarded by the International Naturopathy Organization in New Delhi, India. He has over 20 years of experience in treating various diseases by way of Naturopathy, Yoga, and Acupressure & Acupuncture. He has extensive knowledge of Yoga therapy & Naturopathy, Wellness & Spa treatments, Basic & Advanced Acupressure healing. He has worked with various Institutes in the areas of Administration, Research & development, Consultation, Supervision, and Managing Operational Planning & Development. Dr. Pandey has participated in the International Conference on Yoga, Naturopathy and Arogya expo-2012 at Bangalore, AYUSH Ministry.

Workshop Facilitator

Dr. Santosh Pandey is currently working as Consultant Naturopath in Health Care Center and will also engage as a Lecturer in G. S. College of Yoga and Cultural Synthesis. He has completed B.N.Y.S, MBA (Hospital Administration), FCSW, Ph. D. scholar; he is also Reiki Grand master level 12, Advance Pranic Healer, certified psychotherapist, PGDIA, and PGDIN. He has been awarded the President’s National award, and has also earned a Gold medal in Yoga and Naturopathy in 2005 awarded by the International Naturopathy Organization in New Delhi, India. He has over 24 years of Clinical experience in treating various diseases by way of Naturopathy, Yoga, and Acupressure & Acupuncture And, he has over 35 years of experience in Chakra meditation. He has extensive knowledge of Yoga therapy & Naturopathy, Wellness & Spa treatments, Basic & Advanced Acupressure healing. He has worked with various Institutes in the areas of Administration, Research & development, Consultation, Supervision, and Managing Operational Planning & Development. Dr. Pandey has participated in the International Conference on Yoga, Naturopathy and Arogya expo-2012 at Bangalore, AYUSH Ministry.

Workshop Facilitator

Dr. Santosh Pandey has completed B.N.Y.S, MBA (Hospital Administration); he is also Reiki Grand master level 12, Advance Pranic Healer, PGDIA, and PGDIN. He has been awarded the President’s National award, and has also earned a Gold medal in Yoga and Naturopathy in 2005 awarded by the International Naturopathy Organization in New Delhi, India. He has over 20 years of experience in treating various diseases by way of Naturopathy, Yoga, and Acupressure & Acupuncture And, he has experience of over 24 years as clinician and over 35 years of experience in Chakra meditation. He has extensive knowledge of Yoga therapy & Naturopathy, Wellness & Spa treatments, Basic & Advanced Acupressure healing. He has worked with various Institutes in the areas of Administration, Research & development, Consultation, Supervision, and Managing Operational Planning & Development. Dr. Pandey has participated in the International Conference on Yoga, Naturopathy and Arogya expo-2012 at Bangalore, AYUSH Ministry.


Regarding Registration and Booking –
For registration, the participants need to book a room first then the booking reference code to be shared at kdham.workshops@gmail.com to reserve their spot for the workshop. The workshop fee to be paid on arrival.

Workshop Fees – Rs. 8,000/-

(exclusive of room and meals)

Single rooms with meals:

Standard Room with community bath (Rs. 8,000 per week)
Standard Room with attached bath (Rs. 11,600 per week)
Executive Room (Non-AC) – Rs. 12,800
Executive Room (AC) – Rs. 15,000 + taxes
Deluxe Room – Non-AC (Rs. 19,400 per week + taxes)
Deluxe Room – AC (Rs. 21,600 per week + taxes)

Double/Twin-sharing rooms with meals:

Standard Room with community bath (Rs. 13,200 per week)
Standard Room with attached bath (Rs. 17,000 per week)
Executive Room (Non-AC) – Rs. 18,200
Executive Room (AC) – Rs. 20,400 + taxes
Deluxe Room – Non-AC (Rs. 25,400 per week + taxes)
Deluxe Room – AC (Rs. 27,600 per week + taxes)

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Workshop Teaching fees – NO REFUND (Transferrable to another workshop within six months)

Accommodation and meals

  • Cancellation application before 7 days  – refund of 75% of the amount paid. 
  • Cancellation application less than 7 days – no refund.
  • Please email cancellation requests to booking@kdham.com. Verbal cancellation requests are not accepted. 

Integrated Chakra Meditation

by Dr. Santosh Pandey

Due to the Covid – 19 situation worsening in the recent past and consequently, traveling becoming restrictive, it has been decided to postpone the Workshop.
The fresh dates will be announced soon.

Possible Outcomes of the Workshop

1. Integrated Chakra Meditation Benefits:

  • Muladhara Chakra: The malfunctioning of the Muladhara Chakra results in Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Spinal Problems, Ailments related to blood and lymph, cancer, Heart Ailments, Brain Ailments and Reproductive system Ailments. By practising integrated chakra meditation all these ailments can be avoided and one can lead a healthy Physical, Mental and Spiritually balanced life.
  • Swadhisthan Chakra: The malfunctioning of the Swadhisthan Chakra results in Urinary Problems, Impotency, sterility, Enlarged Prostate Gland, and other Genito-urinary Problems. By practising integrated chakra meditation all these ailments can be avoided and one can lead a healthy Physical, Mental and Spiritually balanced life.


  • Manipur Chakra: The malfunctioning of the Manipur Chakra results in Constipation, IBS, Appendicitis, Indigestion, Peptic Ulcers, Intestinal ailments, Low vitality, Colitis. By practising integrated chakra meditation all these ailments can be avoided and one can lead a healthy Physical, Mental and Spiritually balanced life.
  • Anahat Chakra: The malfunctioning of the Anahat Chakra results in Heart ailments, Ailments of blood vessels, Depression, Anxiety, Respiratory disorders. By practising integrated chakra meditation all these ailments can be avoided and one can lead a healthy Physical, Mental and Spiritually balanced life.
  • Vishudhi Chakra: The malfunctioning of the Vishudhi Chakra results in Diseases of Throat, Larynx, Trachea, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Lymphatic system, Goitre, Upper respiratory Ailments. By practising integrated chakra meditation all these ailments can be avoided and one can lead a healthy Physical, Mental and Spiritually balanced life.
  • Ajna Chakra: The malfunctioning of the Ajna Chakra results in Diseases of Endocrines, Eye Ailments, Cancer, Stress, Depression, Anxiety. By practising integrated chakra meditation all these ailments can be avoided and one can lead a healthy Physical, Mental and Spiritually balanced life.
  • Sahasrara Chakra: The malfunctioning of the Sahasrara Chakra results in Higher mental functions imbalance, Hormonal Problems, Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Neurological diseases. By practising integrated chakra meditation Kriya all these ailments can be avoided and one can lead a healthy Physical, Mental and Spiritually balanced life.

2. Spiritual Benefits:

  • The integrated chakra meditation helps in maintaining the depleted, overactivated and improper pranic flow in all the chakras as per the studies by IPHF.
  • The integrated chakra meditation corrects the nadis /cords through which energy is absorbed and grounded so that it doesn’t get imbalanced in the case of any negative condition.
  • The integrated chakra meditation will be helpful to release all the suppressed and pent up emotions which can trigger the congestion of the chakras.
  • The integrated chakra meditation will help the practitioner to do deeper levels of meditation.
  • The integrated chakra meditation will help to reduce the stress as its practices are based on Kundalini Yoga and Music Therapy.

Day – 1

Session 1

  1. Introduction to Yoga
  2. Schools of Yoga
  3. Introduction to Kundalini Yoga
    a) Chakras
    b) Nadis
    c) Formation of chakras
    d) Concept of health and chakras
    e) Concept of health according to Kundalini Yoga
  4. Significance of Muladhara chakra in maintaining Physiological Health
  5. Meaning of shiv shadakshari Mantra (1-2)
  6. Siddha Kundalini kriya and Pranayama
  7. Significance of Chakra Mudras
  8. Meaning of Nirvan shataka

Session 2

  1. Pranayama
    a) Anulom Vilom
    b) Bhramari
  2. Mooladhar beej sadhana with shunya sadhana
  3. Kundalini Mantra Sadhana
  4. Shiv shadakshri chanting
  5. Nirvana shatakam chanting
  6. Shanti path

Day – 2

Session 1

  1. Significance of Yamas and Niyama’s for Mental and Physical well-being of 7 chakras
  2. Significance of Pranayama’s for energizing, balancing chakras, cleansing the Nadis and for balancing the chakras
  3. Significance of Swadhisthan chakra in maintaining Physiological Health
  4. Meaning of shiv shadakshari Mantra (3-4)
  5. Siddha Kundalini kriya and Pranayama
  6. Significance of Chakra Mudras
  7. Meaning of Nirvan shataka


Session 2

  1. Pranayama
    a) Anulom Vilom
    b) Bhramari
  2. Swadhisthan beej sadhana with shunya sadhana
  3. Shiv shadakshri chanting
  4. Kundalini Mantra Sadhana
  5. Nirvana shatakam chanting
  6. Shanti path

Day – 3

Session 1

  1. Significance of Pancha Pranas for Mental and Physical wellbeing
  2. Significance of Manipur chakra and surya chakra in maintaining Physiological Health
  3. Siddha Kundalini kriya and Pranayama
  4. Significance of Chakra Mudras
  5. Meaning of shiv shadakshari Mantra (5-6)
  6. Meaning of Nirvana shatakam




Session 2

  1. Pranayama
    a) Anulom Vilom
    b) Bhramari
  2. Manipur beej sadhana with shunya sadhana
  3. Shiv shadakshri chanting
  4. Kundalini Mantra Sadhana
  5. Nirvana shatakam chanting
  6. Shanti path

Day – 4

Session 1

  1. Significance of Kundalini Mudras for Mental and Physical wellbeing
  2. Significance of Anahat chakra in maintaining Physiological Health
  3. Meaning of Nirvana shatakam
  4. Siddha Kundalini kriya and Pranayama
  5. Significance of Chakra Mudras



Session 2

  1. Pranayama
    a) Anulom Vilom
    b) Bhramari
  2. Anahat beej sadhana with shunya sadhana
  3. Shiv shadakshri chanting
  4. Kundalini Mantra Sadhana
  5. Nirvana shatakam chanting
  6. Shanti path

Day – 5

Session 1

  1. Significance of Pancha Kosha, Pancha Pranas and Pancha Prana Mudras for Mental and Physical wellbeing
  2. Significance of vishudhi and Ajna chakra in maintaining Physiological Health
  3. Meaning of Nirvana shatakam
  4. Siddha Kundalini kriya and Pranayama
  5. Significance of Chakra Mudras

Session 2

  1. Pranayama
    a) Anulom Vilom
    b) Bhramari
  2. Vishuddhi And Ajna beej sadhana with shunya sadhana
  3. Shiv shadakshri chanting
  4. Kundalini Mantra Sadhana
  5. Nirvana shatakam chanting
  6. Shanti path

Day – 6

Session 1

  1. Significance of Pancha Kosha, Pancha Pranas and Chakras for Mental and Physical well – being
  2. Significance of Shastrar chakra in maintaining Physiological Health
  3. Energy cleansing, Channels, internal healing and spiritual well being
  4. Importance of Kundalini sadhana in Daily life
  5. Kundalini Kriya


Session 2

  1. Pranayama
    a) Anulom Vilom
    b) Bhramari
  2. Shiv hadakshari chanting
  3. Grounding meditation
  4. Complete Kundalini kriya
  5. Nirvana shatakam chanting
  6. Shanti path

Date: The fresh dates will be announced soon

7.15 am to 8.15 am

Practice of Classical Yoga (Asanas, Pranayama, as Per Kdham Tradition)

10 am to 12 pm with 15 minutes break

Session 1 with Q/A

1.30 pm to 2.00 pm

Yog Nidra

3.30 pm to 5.00 pm

Session 2 with Q & A


Regarding Registration and Booking –
For registration, the participants need to book a room first then the Booking Reference number to be shared at kdham.workshops@gmail.com to reserve their spot for the workshop. The workshop fee to be paid on arrival.

Note: The fresh dates will be announced soon.

Workshop Fees – Rs. 8,000/-
(exclusive of room and meals)

Single rooms with meals:

Standard Room with community bath (Rs. 8,000 per week)
Standard Room with attached bath (Rs. 11,600 per week)
Executive Room (Non-AC) – Rs. 12,800
Executive Room (AC) – Rs. 15,000 + taxes
Deluxe Room – Non-AC (Rs. 19,400 per week + taxes)
Deluxe Room – AC (Rs. 21,600 per week + taxes)

Double/Twin-sharing rooms with meals:

Standard Room with community bath (Rs. 13,200 per week)
Standard Room with attached bath (Rs. 17,000 per week)
Executive Room (Non-AC) – Rs. 18,200
Executive Room (AC) – Rs. 20,400 + taxes
Deluxe Room – Non-AC (Rs. 25,400 per week + taxes)
Deluxe Room – AC (Rs. 27,600 per week + taxes)

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Workshop Teaching fees – NO REFUND (Transferrable to another workshop within six months)

Accommodation and meals

  • Cancellation application before 7 days  – refund of 75% of the amount paid. 
  • Cancellation application less than 7 days – no refund.
  • Please email cancellation requests to booking@kdham.com. Verbal cancellation requests are not accepted. 


Note: The fresh dates will be announced soon.

Please visit the link here for Room Tariffs

Workshop Fees 

Rs. 10,000 per person
(Accommodation charges extra)

Please Note:

  • On registering, you will be redirected to the room booking page
  • Please book your room to confirm your participation in the workshop
  • Once the room booking is done, share the ‘Booking reference number’ at onsiteworkshops@kdham.com to block your seat
  • The workshop Fees are to be paid on arrival

Query for this workshop? Please email us – onsiteworkshops@kdham.com


Regarding Registration and Booking –
Once the booking is done, please share the booking reference code at
onsiteworkshops@kdham.com to confirm your participation in the workshop.

Note: The fresh dates will be announced soon.


Regarding Registration and Booking –
For registration, the participants need to book a room first then the booking reference code to be shared at onsiteworkshops@kdham.com to reserve their spot for the workshop. The workshop fee to be paid on arrival.

Note: The fresh dates will be announced soon.

Please visit the link here for Room Tariffs

Workshop Fees 

Rs. 10,000 per person

Query for this workshop? Please email us – onsiteworkshops@kdham.com

Please visit the link here for Room Tariffs

Workshop Fees 

Rs. 10,000 per person
(Accommodation charges extra)

Please Note:
  • On registering, you will be redirected to the room booking page
  • Please book your room to confirm your participation in the workshop
  • Once the room booking is done, share the ‘Booking reference number’ at onsiteworkshops@kdham.com to block your seat
  • The workshop Fees are to be paid on arrival

Query for this workshop? Please email us – onsiteworkshops@kdham.com

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Accommodation and meals

  • Cancellation application before 7 days  – refund of 75% of the amount paid. 
  • Cancellation application less than 7 days – no refund.
  • Please email cancellation requests to booking@kdham.com. Verbal cancellation requests are not accepted.